Mary Wills on the Issues

Protecting a Women’s Access to Healthcare
A woman’s healthcare decisions should be between her and her doctor, not politicians. I will always stand up to extremist politicians who want to take away access to reproductive healthcare in our state.
Investing in Local Schools
I will be a fierce advocate for paying our teachers well, making sure we provide mental health services for students, and putting resources in place to help our children catch up from their learning loss due to COVID. I believe we need parents and teachers, not politicians, working together to educate our kids.

Supporting our Communities
Wake and Granville Counties are wonderful places to call home. I will work tirelessly to ensure that local families are not displaced by rising home prices, that we have the full investment in roads and infrastructure that our area needs, and that we continue to recruit and retain quality jobs to help our communities grow and thrive.
Making Healthcare More Affordable
Currently, our North Carolina federal tax dollars are being invested in other states to make them healthier, more prosperous and better positioned for the future.
We MUST expand Medicaid in North Carolina and invest our federal tax dollars here at home. Medicaid expansion will lower all of our healthcare costs, provide health insurance for over 500,000 hard-working North Carolinians, and allow us to invest in desperately needed mental health and addiction services.